• Voici les paroles traduites en anglais:


    I try smiling/laughing again today eum..
    this way, you’ll smile/laugh
    because that guy keeps making you cry
    whatever it takes i want to make you smile/laugh

    to me, loving you alone
    is so painful I can barely put up with it
    but i’d rather die then to see you cry
    for You, I try smiling/laughing again today

    i love you since i love you
    since im happy as long as your here
    even though my heart aches i try smiling/laughing again
    like someone who makes people smile/laugh
    like someone who has no pain
    I quietly cry behind you again today

    my hearts becomming numb
    at your slightest sadness
    i hate that guy so much
    he has all of your love
    yet he still makes you cry, what more does he need

    i love you since i love you
    since im happy as long as your here
    even though my heart aches i try smiling/laughing again
    like someone who makes people smile/laugh
    like someone who has no pain
    I quietly cry behind you again today

    the endless tears keep filling up
    i once again try to forcefully hide it
    even though it hurts so bad as if im gonna die
    even though this pain is driving me crazy
    i smile/laugh

    (because i love you more
    because i care for you more then myself)
    even if my eyes begin to cry i bear through it
    even if i can’t listen to my heart
    even if i can’t seek out my love
    I try smiling/laughing in front of you once again today.


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